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Healthy Habits to Carry into Fall

For me, fall represents change! The season is switching, so why not make some healthy changes to your lifestyle as well. It’s important to create healthy habits that last through the winter months. With the weather changing and getting cooler and dark out earlier, it’s easy to fall into a slump and your motivation to decrease. Getting sick and feeling sluggish is so normal but it’s important to create new goals for healthier living.

Sharing some ways to create a healthy routine and habits this autumn + winter season!

Get ahead of the time change:

Start going to bed 15-20 minutes earlier than usual before the time change. This will help minimize the impact of the one-hour time difference. This is also a great thing to do with your kids!

Switch up your skincare routine:

Remember to make adjustments for the colder, dryer weather when it comes to your skincare. Using a face oil or more intense moisturizer will keep your skin less dry + dull. Everyone is different so just be mindful of how your skin is feeling and any irritations.  

Use Sunday as a prep day:

Summer is usually spent winging meals, going on vacation, and last minute plans! Fall is filled with back to school schedules and structure, use Sunday as a meal prep day for the week ahead. Whether it’s grocery shopping, meal prepping, or just simply going through the week ahead to make you feel less stressed and ready to tackle Monday.

Don’t forget to get fresh air:

Appreciate the fresh crisp air before winter approaches. Take a walk or bike ride after work and try to spend at least 30 minutes outside. Without the heat and humidity spending time outdoors becomes much more comfortable, and walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise outside.

Recalibrate your plate:

Fall season means comfort food + a new selection of in season veggies! Head to your local farmers market or Whole Foods to pick up some in season ingredients to add to your next breakfast/lunch or dinner!